Wishbringer Music


 Customer Comments



All of the following comments are unsolicited, actual 5-star comments from satisfied customers, 

just a few of the overwhelming 5-star ratings from the  Wishbringer Etsy store


"Man You are a genius. Just arrived and just installed. They are great! No noise no hum, great tone and volume. I don't know how you did it but they are better than most traditional pickups." - Andrea

"Love it. Great tone. Not one bit of crackle, hum, or feedback, even when turned up on high." - RP


"These pickups are spectacular! I replaced two humbuckers in one of my guitars and one in my mandolin with FlatCats, and the tone of both instruments drastically changed for the better!  Warmer lows, crisper highs and gutsy mids, with a clarity I’ve yet to encounter. I will most likely replace the pickups in my other electrics with Flat Cats.

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!"  -- phil

A professional luthier stated: "This has such a balanced sound. It brings out a full bass end without losing the trebles, and has almost an acoustic sub-tone to it. It's a great pickup."


"I ordered two this time. Love your product, I bought one a few months ago and have been using it regularly. I am going to install these on all of my Nationals. Thank you."-- Lou

"I LOVE THESE PICKUPS! They sound amazing!! I just tried the new (six string) pickups and they really crank it out!! THANKS SO MUCH."
-- Rocket Instruments

"I finally finished the guitar for which I bought your pickups and have had several players over to try it. Everyone agrees your pickups sound great. They lived up to every claim you make and then some."
-- R. Duke

"It has a very unique sound, to me it sounds somewhere between a P-90 and a Strat pickup, but more laid back than either. Very easy to install, and well built. Excellent customer service." - G.W.

"I got a set for a hollow body guitar I made, and I absolutely love these pickups! They have a full, rich sound that stays clear. The bridge pickup does twangy and jangly really well, and the neck has a great big warm sound to it. They're great to play clean, and will do fuzz and distortion equally well. These pickups look cool, are easy to install, and they sound GREAT! I'll be getting more of these in the future."
-- K. Jewett




FlatCats bring out all of the strings evenly, applying proper bass to the wound strings and volume to the trebles without sounding tinny in the process. The result is a harmonious balance between all strings.